Vengaiya Thaal / Spring Onion Pachadi

Vengaiaya Thaal / Spring onion Pachadi

For this Pachadi you need

1 bunch of Vengaiya Thaal / Spring onion
4 tomatoes
1 -2 red chillies
1 tbsp. of tamarind paste
1/2 tsp. of turmeric powder
1 tsp. of mustard and urad dhal
1 tsp. of oil
A spring of curry leaves
Salt to taste

For Grinding

2 tsp. of grated coconut
1/2 tsp. of Cumin
2 green chillies

Grind them well to a smooth paste.


Wash and chop the spring onions.

Heat oil in a pan . Add mustard and urad dhal, when they stop spluttering add the curry leaves, red chillies.

Add the chopped spring onions and saute them well.

Add the tomatoes and green chillies.  

Saute them until all are well cooked (add little water and cover it for 5 - 10 mins, to make it faster).

Add turmeric powder, tamarind extract along with little water and allow it to boil.

Now finally add the grinded paste along with salt and allow it to cook for 5 - 10 mins.

Tasty vengaiya Thaal Pachadi is ready to taste........................

OPTIONAL:  We can also do Vendaikai / Bhindi / Okra pachadi in the same way

Serve it with rice...............

I am a passionate cook and love to experiment various cuisines , in my kitchen. This blog is my humble attempt to register a copy of recipes that I learn and try . Feel free to experiment with my recipes and adjust accordingly to suit your taste and requirements.Hope you enjoy :)


  1. Very different recipe... looks delicious... I haven't used spring onions in anything other than chinese fried rice..

  2. I like vendakkai pachadi the best of all,this too my MIL makes,sounds good!

  3. Hey that was a totally new recipe.. I love spring onions in any form, will try yours soon :)

  4. Hi aruna, pachadi looks different.
    should also be tasting great

  5. it's totally new to me dear.....pachadi looks delicious....sure will try ....

  6. Never tried spring onions for pachadi...thats a good variation!

  7. Pachadi with spring onion seems a good idea. Very innovative dear.

  8. A very good recipe!gr8 recipes u have.visit my space when u find time!

  9. That's quite new to me..Looks great :-)

  10. new variation to pachadi... looks good.

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